What is …?
~Wisdom of medicines from earth~
Discussing herbalism would take a lifetime!
Philosophy of herbalism has such a depth of wisdom that it can't be put in a few sentences. It’s the way of living life in whole.
As little did we know, we live in herbalism. Food we eat, air we breath, water we drink, histories we create, anatomy of our body….the lists are endless and let’s not forget, most modern medicines originated from plants. Such as Aspirin is originated from Willow, Salix spp. contains salicin, the precursor to salicylic acid, that is the active ingredient in Aspirin. Willow would relieve the pain without causing side effects, and support our own healing abilities in our system.
It is not to be mistaken to discard modern medicine. There are many advantages to modern medicines. Lab tests are always helpful. Many medications save so many lives in emergencies. However the side effects of the modern medicines could also lead to other symptoms. The goal here is to not be too dependable that can cause us to lose our own healing abilities.
We are very used to the allopathic system in our life. Herbs can be used allopathic however some herbs would not match up with somebody’s constitution. As an example, Valerian, known as a herb for sleeping, can be stimulating for some people.
When some pharmaceuticals are just for one condition, one herbs can support many different systems in our body. Take Valerian again, they don’t only calm the mind, but work on liver Qi (energy) stagnation, and calm our Shen (mind). They can also support the tension headache. support the health of spleen/digestion and also antispasmodic.
“Herbal medicine when practiced deeply and mindfully goes beyond a simplistic replacement of conventional medicine with "natural" remedies, but moves us sometimes subtly and sometimes profoundly toward a recovery of our biological identities.” - Richard Mandelbaum RH
In herbalism, we look at a person with a wide lens to see a whole person. We see the pattern, and constitution, by listening and seeing the client, examine the tongue and pulse. With the constitution and pattern of the person, we see how the symptom is playing the role, then we know which herbs are for the client.
As a clinical herbalist, we don’t “treat” the symptom, but we treat the person, which leads to healing the symptom. I often say that I see a person as a landscape, and see where the imbalances are. By using the system or Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda and Western Herbalism, I create custom protocols on diet, lifestyle and plant medicines.
Clients seek for herbal consultation to support their:
Balance of overall health
Emotional wellbeing
Reproductive systems
Hormone balance
Skin issues
Questionable blood test results
Thyroid system
Children and babies
Holistic approach to any of the conditions they have.
Flower Essence
~ Align with the frequency of flowers ~
Found by Dr.Edward Bach, Flower Essence has been a more accepted and popular healing remedy these days. Flower essence is not tinctures, essential oils or hydrosols. In a very simple explanation, they are the spring water infused with the vibration of flowers. This may sound unusual if you are not familiar with the theory of how we are all vibration beings living in the world of vibration.
Take music as an example. Some music calms us, some music stimulates us, and some music will just simply make us happy. Our body and mind is responding to the vibration of the music.
The water is a very sacred and important element of our life. Japanese scientist, Dr, Masaru Emoto has proven the consciousness of water that they listen and carry memories. Our body consists of 70% water (just like the earth!) and responds well to Flower Essence that carries energy.
It is surprising how our dis-ease often appears from the root cause of our emotional imbalance. Flower essence is a subtle but powerful medicine that works directly with inner dialogue and reflection about feelings and attitudes. Flower essence realign our energy to reconnect our soul with the universal divine, and let us see the possibilities to heal from within us.
Essence that I custom formulate for each client is prepared in ceremonial way.
They work very well with other herbal remedies, and energy work. Often clients seek for flower essence consultation to support their:
Emotional well being
Stress, anxiety, and depression
Transition to their next phase of life
Improve relationship with a partner and family
Nourishing the broken heart
Any life challenging situation and crisis
Spiritual development
Children and pets
~ Flow within ~
霊氣- Reiki.
霊 Rei ; soul, spirit, universe, ghost… invisible being.
氣 Ki ; Energy
Reiki is a healing modality found by Usui Mikao in Japan. It is not Japanese energy, it is a technique to send universal energy that is delivered from the source to a person, animal or object through hands.
One would describe energy in many different forms, such as bigger force, higher self, higher consciousness, light, field, universe, waves, vibration, spirits, blueprints… etc.
This invisible and abstract field is where we live, and where we interact consciously and unconsciously. Ultimately, we are all plugged into this same source, and exchanging “energy”. How do we want to show up in this collaborative space for ourselves and others? How can we be present in the moment so that we can make the future we imagine?
Sourcepoint Therapy® is an energy healing modality that reconnects a person’s original blueprint they were born with. Each one of us were born with a unique blueprint that’s connected with the source, but as a busy life goes on with external disruption, our original blueprint gets obscure, and unwanted manifestations occur physically, mentally and in our psyche. With body scanning technique that locates energetic blockages obstructing the fundamental information, Sourcepoint therapy can support a person’s energetical field to organize the pattern in order, balance, harmony and flow.
As a practitioner, with different energy healing modalities, I become this vessel of energy that goes through, tap into the field, remind the body the existence of the blueprint, bring in healthy information from the source with balance, harmony and flow. During the session, I may use different tools such as sounds, aroma, and crystals intuitively with client’s permission.
Clients come to these sessions for
Balancing the energy/auric field
Energy extraction/cleansing/limpia
Past life regression
Soul retrieval
Physical discomfort
Emotional imbalance
Cord cutting
Journeying with drums and sounds
Reconnecting with ancestors
Working through trauma
Explore and to learn with dreams
Heighten the spiritual connection
Sound healing
Reiki and Energy healing
Breath as medicine
~ Be Embodied ~
Breathwork is a technique that can awaken and activate forgotten information and unprocessed emotion that we store in the soma. It is a very direct way to transform our belief system. We shape ourselves and are shaped through our ancestry, family, society, and the events we experience within these conditions. Breathwork can bring us into relationship with our history through sensation, and choice. By being aware of sensation, our body can unlearn and introduce new information to overcome traumas. Breathwork is also a modality that enables us to access our subconscious, by reaching to the altered state, which can have a similar effect to psychedelic medicine; since this technique of the Breathwork activates the same part of the brain.
Breathwork contribute to somatic transformation by providing the awareness of sensation, opening to deconstruct embodied belief systems that don't serve us anymore, and providing new agency to practice in any challenging situation. It is about reclaiming our body. It is about realizing we are more than trauma and there is freedom in what we can be. When we have these practices, we are able to express ourselves better, show up in the world with authenticity, and will have less, or no unprocessed emotions that stay in our soma.
Clients come to these sessions for
Physical discomfort
Emotional imbalance
Any life challenging situation and crisis
Transforming trauma
Explore and reconnect with your body
Spiritual development
Stress, anxiety, and depression
Transition to their next phase of life
Integration for pre/post psychedelic medicine experience