About sliding scale

I"m creating a sliding scale because I work with a karmic exchange system and disbelieve financial issues as being an obstacle for one's healing path. I don't turn away anyone because of financial obstacles. Higher payment will support those who are not able to afford my service at regular price. If you have financial obstruction, please feel free to let me know and we can discuss it before the session over the phone. Please refer below as a guidance of your payment.

🌗 Pay less on the scale if you

- receive public assistance

- have dependents

- have $0 savings

- are formerly incarcerated

- do illegal work for survival

- have significant debt that prevents you from meeting basic needs

- have less access to money because of abuse

- have a chronic illness or disability that impacts your ability to earn income

- have immigration-related expenses

- are an elder with limited financial support

- are unable to access healthcare

- can not afford a vacation or have the ability to take time off without financial burden

🌓 Pay more on the scale if you

- pay other practitioners full price

- have few or no dependents

- have savings, investments, inherited

- money and/or retirement accounts

- have a partner or family who can support financially

- own a home or rent by choice

- own commercial and rental properties

- travel recreationally

- have access to family money and resources in times of need

- work part time by choice

- have healthcare

- can afford to take vacation at least once a year

- have earning power (even if you aren't using it right now) from college degree(s), able-bodiedness, race, gender, social networks, family connections...